About WCEF

World Culture Exchange Federation

WCEF is an International non-profit Corporation established to promote mutual understanding between nations through Cultural, Traditional, Educational and Youth Exchanges.

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What’s Going on

Area of our Activities

Developmental Projects

Tourism Development

Scholarships and Grants

Humanitarian Works

Social Service

Arts and Sports Feasts

Food Feasts

Cultural and Traditional Exchange Programs

Chairman's Message

We have a rich culture and its the result of the hardwork lended by our ancestors .Each and every country have got a novel and profoundly rich culture and it reflects upon each and every individual there. But the invention of modernization just destroyed our culture, norms and basic values .This is the one and only reason behind the law and order issues or of the extremism .The aim of WCEF is to build a consciousness in people to realize and respect our culture along with of other countries.
Peace can only be maintained when a society has a better standard of living that is firmly rooted in its heritage, tradition and culture.
WCEF always focus upon to conserve our culture and values by the help of new technologies in their modern era. Our core values is to achieve peace and we definitely can reach there with your blessings

Midhunraj Ottakandan

Chairman, WCEF

"Peace can only be maintained when a society has a better standard of living that is firmly rooted in its heritage, tradition and culture"

Midhunraj Ottakandan

Chairman - WCEF